So in a plain Monday, a regular working day, it happened. More than 65.000 people were protesting not only against the rise in the bus fare, but also against the services provided by the state. Poor education system, bad health services, lack of security. Others were protesting against corruption, mainly governmental corruption which seems endless. And there were even people complaining about the expenses with the next FIFA World Cup and Olympics which will happen in a few years time in Brazil. The demonstration started at 5 pm and went on during the night luckily without any violence. But that is not all. Demonstrations happened in many other cities all over Brazil also asking for the same. Unfortunately some were much more violent than in São Paulo. In Rio de Janeiro the city assembly was attacked while in Brasília people got to the roof of the congress building. Altogether about A QUARTER OF A MILLION people were in the streets yesterday! Brazilians are awakening at last and asking for their rights!
If you google PASSE LIVRE or go to YouTube you can see what happened in several cities. But there is video which explains it all. It seems it was recorded before yesterday´s demonstration.